About the Conference
“Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Advancing the Tobacco Control ecosystem in Africa”
The 2nd Africa Conference on Tobacco and Development will build on the gains made in the 1st Africa Conference on Tobacco and Development and is part of a series of tobacco conferences in Africa projected to be conducted every two years.
The conference will provide a platform for sharing of policy and implementation experiences, new developments and dissemination of research conducted in various African countries.
The conference will promote information sharing and corroborative evidence to tailor TC policy and implementation arrangements to Africa context specific settings. It will provide an opportunity for Tobacco Control actors particularly youth, women, environmentals and TC advocates in Africa to share experiences and lessons.

Join us at the Africa Conference on Tobacco Control 2024 in Accra, Ghana and take a stand against smoking. Let’s collaborate to shape a healthier future for Africa. Register now and be a part of this impactful event!